hadda iska diwaan-geli Kulliyadda Caafimaadka ee Jaamaadda Caalamiga Horseed
On 11th January 2023, Horseed International University, Mogadishu, Somalia and Gazi, Istanbul, Turkey signed a five-year crucial and strategic cooperation agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to achieve academic cooperation between the two universities. The agreement covers procedures and principles of education, academic and […]
Horseed International University (HIU) in Somalia has been awarded funding from the European Commission for their Jean Monnet Module on European and African studies. This project aims to train Somali students in European and African studies and help them understand and compare two regional integration […]
Kuliyada ic tiiga jamacada horseed international university aya qabatay bandhig ay ardayda kuso bandhigayeen cilmiga ay barteen ardayda ayaa so bandhigtay nidaamyo kala duwan kuwaa oo loogu tala galay qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada sida jamacadaha hospitals bankiyada Waxaa bandhiga 2020 ee faculty of computer […]
Mogadishu, 29 December 2024; Ardeyda kulliyadda Computer Sciences and IT ee Jaamacadda Caalamiga Horseed ayaa Xarunta dhexe ee Jaamacadda loogu qabtay aqoon karorsi Ciwaankiisu yahay (RHCSA Linux ) waxaana soo jeediyay #Abdifatah Abdullahi Mohamed.
Mogadishu, 25 December 2024; Ardeyda Kulliyadda Beeraha ee Jaamacadda Caalamiga Horseed ayaa maanta Xarunta dhexe ee Jaamacadda loogu qabtay aqoon karorsi Ciwaankiisu yahay (Adopting Climate-Smart Agriculture and overcoming Challenges to Boost Farm Yields) waxaana soo jeediyay Mr. Mohamed Farah Ali.
DigHealth project start! We are pleased to announce the official launch of DigHealth – Micro-credentials in Digital Health for Ethiopia and Somalia! Goal: Transform healthcare education in Ethiopia & Somalia through innovative digital health programs focusing on telemedicine, e-health, and digital skills. Supported by the […]
Graduation Programmes Partnership Postgraduation Programmes Fee Structure Grading System Computer Science & Information Technology Economics and Management Sciences Health sciences Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry Social Sciences Sharia and Law Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Medicine and Surgery Education Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Computer Science & […]
Bandhiga Isbuuca Technology-yadda oo Si heer sare ah ugu qabsoomay Magaalada mogadishu
Seminar ku saabsan u diyaar garowga Imtixaanka Form-4-ka, ayaa maanta lagu qabtey Xurunta Dhaxe ee Jaamacadda, waxaana kasoo qeyb galey Ardeyda Sanadkaan ka qalin jabineysa Dugsiyada sare, waxaana soo jeediyey 𝐔𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐚𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐍𝐮𝐮𝐫 oo ka mid ah Macalimiinta Jaamacadda.
Admissions Open!Enroll now for exciting partnership programs between Horseed International University and Daffodil International University! Master of Software Engineering with majors in:a)Data Science andb) Cybersecurity2) Master of Computer Science3)Master of Management Information SystemsDon’t miss out! Secure your spot today. #AdmissionsOpen #HIU-DIUMasterProgramsFor more information contact: 0619277660/0619277661/0616977372